Get to know Mukura BYOND, the One-of-a-Kind Breezeblock Design Innovation

Explore unlimited breezeblock ideas with Mukura BYOND, breezeblock innovation from designer Irianto Purnomo Hadi and Mukura Ceramics.

Mukura BYOND is a collaborative breezeblock design innovation patented by Mukura and designer Irianto Purnomo Hadi. This innovation brings breezeblock designs like no other, opening up limitless breezeblock design ideas. With BYOND, breezeblock installation can be seamless. In addition, the breezeblock can also be installed in unique formations that were impossible before.


Breezeblock design innovation Mukura BYOND product line up

Mukura BYOND product line up

What makes it different?

The shapes of breezeblocks are usually square, rectangle, circle, or other two-dimensional shape. Because of this shape, they can only be installed on one wall. If we want to make a corner, the formation will be cut in its corner. So, the breezeblock looks disconnected from the outside. Moreover, we can only install breezeblock on a straight line, so the design is more limited.

With BYOND, we can install breezeblocks in three dimensions. If we want to make a turn, there is a corner that forms a right angle. Then, we can also make a curve. Just use a Bent, which is 75° or 90°. Thus, breezeblock design ideas become very limitless. Want to install a breezeblock partition in a twisted shape? It’s possible! Curved or wavy fence? Sure do!


Mukura BYOND Surface 9 (left) and Bent 75 (right)

Three-dimensional breezeblock installation using Surface 9 (left) and Bent 75° (right) (Source: Mukura Ceramics Instagram)


Good Design Indonesia Best 2021 Winner

Aside from being innovative and unprecedented, Mukura BYOND also won the Good Design Indonesia Best in GDI 2021. This product is the best designed product in the Housing Fixtures category. Thus, it means that Mukura BYOND is recognized by the Indonesian Ministry of Trade (Kemendag) and is believed to be able to compete at the international level.


What are Mukura BYOND products?

There are 7 products in the Mukura BYOND line up. The two-dimensional ones are are Surface 9, Surface 3, Triangle S, and Triangle L. Then, for corners angles there is Corner. Lastly, there is the Bent for curvature, which consists of  Bent 75° and Bent 90°. What is the description of each product? Read here!