Poolside and Bathroom Breeze Block in Private House

This time, we will look at the use of breeze block in a private house or private space. Among them are poolside and bathroom breeze blocks at our client’s house, Mr. Z. For a private house, apart from natural ventilation, what other things can we actually make using breeze blocks?


Privacy screen

First, you can make a privacy wall from breeze blocks to protect certain areas, for example the drying area. The breeze block design that have holes can cover the area but does not completely shut it off like a normal wall. Thus, air circulation remains optimal. It is suitable for drying areas, patios, or swimming pools.


Bathroom partitions

Second, you can also use it as an aesthetic partition in the bathroom. The bathroom is a place that gets wet and damp easily. So it is very important to have good circulation. Because of the material and design, ceramic granite breeze block is the perfect material for this.

Bathroom partition from ceramic granite breezeblock Dashdot

Bathroom with Dashdot ceramic granite partition partition in a private house

Ceramic granite breeze block is the material of choice for bathroom partitions so that air circulation remains optimal


Decorative wall

Third, it can also be an aesthetic wall, both on the exterior and interior. There are various designs which can suit any interior design style. If in the interior, the breeze block can help save electricity. Just turn on one AC to cool two rooms at once. If on the exterior, choose a rainscreen design, so that your house won’t be flooded with rainwater.



In addition, you can also make an aesthetic wall for the poolside, such as this one at Mr. Z’s house. Breeze block is very suitable as an exterior wall, especially in gardens and other open areas such as swimming pools. Why? Because breezeblock walls provide the perfect outdoor atmosphere, but still protect your privacy.

Aesthetic poolside ceramic granite breezeblock wall


Outdoor usage? No worries!

Then, if it is outside, the condition must deteriorate quickly, right? The answer is no. Ceramic granite breezeblock is made of granite, so it is stronger than ordinary ceramic breezeblock. In addition, it also has a layer of glazing that protects it from weather, such as sunlight and rain. The coating also makes it more durable, so the colors stay bright. Finally, cleaning it is also very easy, just brush it with a broom or wipe with damp cloth to remove dust and dirt.