Minimalist Living Room: Make it Bold but Minimalist

Minimalist Living Room with a Bold Style but in a Minimalist Way. How it Can?

A minimalist living room is a trending choice, isn’t it? But how can you make something minimalistic and bold at the same time? Being minimalist doesn’t mean we’re not allowed to use something bold and stand out. Because being firm and prominent can also be a hallmark of minimalism itself, that’s called “the most important item” of the room itself. So, what are the shapes of this bold but minimalist room? Let’s explore the room of these geniuses.


  1. White Also Means Bold

Unthinkable huh? In fact, white is a soft color. But if placed in a full room, the white color is the hallmark of this minimalist room. Moreover, it is added with “necessary” items only.

White minimalist living room inspiration

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  1. When Full Pattern becomes Minimalist

“Full patterns can destroy the concept of minimalism”. Says who? You can combine brick wall pattern with various textures. Especially, in the accessories, such as rug, pillow, and blanket.

Source: Pinterest


  1. Pop Color is Highlight

“Nope!!! Pop color will ruin my minimalist art!”

That’s not true. Pop color won’t ruin your artistic space. Precisely with this pop color, your house will look more minimalist with something more prominent. Make your walls one color, and a contrasting color of the walls for your stuff. As a result, your room will look rich in character.

Source: Pinterest


  1. Brutal Meets Minimalism

What a contrast, right? Brutal style has a direction to something rude, assertive, even bad. But, if it is met with a minimalist style that is usually soft, then the result can be very impressive. The meeting of these two styles will be beautiful if connected with each other.

When minimalist living room style meets brutalist

Source: Pinterest


  1. Fall in Love with the Details

Lots of details don’t mean it makes your minimalist room worse. A room that is rich in details can make the room minimalist. Structured details give your room a neat impression. Like the principle of minimalism, right? That is, keep it tidy.

Source: Pinterest