6 Bedroom Feng Shui Tips

What are some bedroom feng shui tips for a prosperous and harmonious life? Check out these 6 tips. One of them, dividing sections of the bedroom with a ceramic granite breezeblock partition.


Do not place the bedroom above the garage and near the bathroom

According to feng shui, there are a lot of negative energy from outside the house in the garage. Similar with the bathroom. This energy can interfere with our lives. Because, our bodies absorb energy when we sleep.

The fact is, a lot of noise and vibration is generated when we park our vehicle. In addition, activities in the bathroom can also make noise. So, it will immediately disturb our sleep.


Do not use glass walls/partitions

In feng shui, the bedroom should neither be bright nor transparent. So, the bedroom design should not be open. In addition, avoid using glass as a dividing wall or partition.

Reason is, an open room design makes your rest unideal. Because, activities in other rooms will be immediately visible. So it will disturb your sleep.


The bedroom must be dark

Similar to the previous point, the bedroom is a place of Yin energy (calm, rest), the opposite of Yang (active). The bedroom must also generate a calm energy for resting.

The science behind this, dark rooms increase the production of the hormone melatonin. This hormone makes us feel relaxed. So, optimize the light in the room so that we can feel relaxed.

Place your bed not directly below windows

Keep mattresses away from windows and use curtains to optimize your sleep (Source: pexels.com)


Avoid mirrors directly facing the bed

In feng shui, it is strictly forbidden to put a mirror in a straight line with the mattress. Meaning, when sitting on the bed, we should not directly look in the mirror. In addition, the entrance to the room should not face the mirror directly.

The placement of the mirror is very influential on the privacy of the occupants of the room. So, place the mirror next to or away from the mattress. So, your privacy will be protected.


Bed placement

Do not place the mattress facing the entrance. Because, the energy from outside is strong and can disrupt your sleep. In addition, do not place the head of the bed on a wall where there is a door.

Laying the mattress in such a way will disturb your rest. Imagine, every time the door is opened, you will wake up because of the disturbance. So, place the mattress in such a way that you can see the door without direct interference.


Do not use hanging lamps and decorations above the bed

According to feng shui, it is important to keep the ceiling or top of the mattress flat. That is, there are no chandeliers or other decorations. This is to maintain the calm energy of the room while you sleep.

Hanging lights and decorations are decorative. However, it will be dangerous if it falls or breaks. So, avoid using hanging decorations directly above the bed.


Do not put electronics and office equipment in the room

Feng shui always emphasizes the importance of keeping electronic devices that transmit signals (such as TVs and laptops) and work equipment away from the mattress. These tools have very strong Yang (active) energy. Thus, it will interfere with the Yin energy in the bedroom.

In fact, it is important for us to distinguish between the workspace and the resting area. This is to maintain optimal productivity and rest. If it’s not possible, use a partition to separate them. One of the best partitions is ceramic granite breezeblock, which does not interfere with air circulation. With breezeblock, the airflow remains optimal. The room will not feel cramped and stale.